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September 13, 2008

2008 SEMO District Fair

Every September brings the fair. Since I could remember we would go to the fair. The rides, the animals, the foods. I was in 4-H so we also entered livestock and I also entered muffins, pumpkins & corn that I grew. After graduating high school I didn't go.

The first year Noah was here I took him to the parade with some friends. He seemed to enjoy himself.

Then we took him later that week to the fair. We mainly just walked around. He really liked the balloon he got.

The next year Josiah was here and in the hospital. My mom came and sat with Josiah and we took Noah to the parade. He enjoyed being with mom & dad and also getting to pick up candy!

I have already posted about our parade experience. Since Noah was old enough this year to ride rides we took advantage of the $8.00 bracelets on Friday. So did every other parent of kids 5 and under! I was going to be at the Fair anyway manning a booth for my work so Wayne & the boys met me there. Before ever getting there we had a bit of drama. Notice the fat lip on Noah. He was horsing around and not listening to his dad saying "Be Careful!" and fell on his face. Took a bit to recover but once we were cleaned up we made our way to the fair. He loved the rides! Silly me didn't think to charge our batteries so early on in the visit the batteries died. After rides we went to play at the Kids Zone tent that had free activities for kids. Then Wayne took the boys to see all the animals.

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